Sunday, September 02, 2007

Office Furniture Saver rates high with local vendors. - 9/2/2007

To expand the sales opportunity of the Office Furniture and Equipment Manufacturers while still protecting the regional dealerships market, expertise and customer service local dealers provide.

In an attempt to meet the sales and marketing objectives in the 21 st century, the internet must be included in all corporate business plans. The new business generation of today and more importantly in the future is the internet generation. Young entrepreneurs today want the ability to shop by way of the internet. They want the convenience of smart shopping and price shopping but they also want the level of service that local dealers are capable of providing.

While the internet will provide the convenience of smart shopping, thus far it has not provided the level of service individual local dealers are capable of providing. Although the internet generation wants to smart buy they also want the convenience of dealing with a local business person.

Office Furniture Saver was developed to meet and exceed both of these requirement, smart shopping and local customer service.

Office Furniture Saver is an internet site that advertises manufactures products and gathers leads and distributes these leads to manufactures and local dealers. In return the internet site charges each dealer a nominal monthly fee to maintain the site and be on high ranking , and a percent of the sales generated and consummated as a result of the internet leads.

While the concept is simple in it's design it is an effective and innovative way for a long established company to maintain the protection of it's local dealers while expanding it's marketing opportunities to meet the needs of the internet generation. It respects the old and established way of doing business while recognizing the needs of the future smart internet buyer.

Sincerely Yours,
Frank Anthony